Aruna's world: Lichen on a branch, Ferreyres, Switzerland
Aruna's world: Ferreyres, Terre Mère, nivéole et moustique
Aruna's world: "Dialogue is the most effective way of resolving conflict", Buddha
Aruna's world: Anémones pulsatilles, Ferreyres, Vaud, Swtzerland
Aruna's world: Magical forest, Ferreyres, Switzerland
Aruna's world: Magical forest, Ferreyres, Switzerland
Aruna's world: Explored - Magical forest, Ferreyres, Vaud, Switzerland
Aruna's world: How fragile we are...
Aruna's world: Magical forest, Ferreyres, Vaud, Switzerland
Aruna's world: Magical forest, Ferreyres, Vaud, Switzerland
Aruna's world: the sign eater are watching you...
Aruna's world: Reflections on river Menthue, Yvonand, Switzerland
Aruna's world: the sign eater is watching you...
Aruna's world: forest cairn
Aruna's world: teepee, Ferreyres, Switzerland
Aruna's world: let's bring a little pink in our life!
Aruna's world: forest's green flowers
Aruna's world: survive... #2
Aruna's world: survive... #1
Aruna's world: Keep balance...
Aruna's world: avant que tout ne s'efface...
Aruna's world: red moss
Aruna's world: transformation #1
Aruna's world: The sign eater...
Aruna's world: new beginnings #2
Aruna's world: new beginnings #1
Aruna's world: Hépatiques, Terre-Mère, Ferreyres
Aruna's world: transformation #2
Aruna's world: hydrangeas flying away...
Aruna's world: "Pour qu'il y ait la paix sur la terre, il faudra que tous les êtres soient intérieurement en paix." Claude Chénier