Aruna's world: Pow Wow Ornans 2010, Vallée de la Loue, France
Aruna's world: le chapeau mauve...
Aruna's world: SAVE ME!
Aruna's world: spotted horse..., Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: le chapeau blanc...
Aruna's world: listening to ameriandian blues music, Butch Mudbone (USA), Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: The drum..., Pow wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: The butterflies' dance, Pow wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Bells' dance, Pow wow 2010 Ornans
Aruna's world: Amerindian women, Pow wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Aztec dance #1, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Aztec dance #2, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Aztec dance #3, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: The traditional dance of the men, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: The traditional dance of the men, Pow Wow Ornans 2010, Dennis Yellow Thunder, Oglala Lakota Sioux
Aruna's world: The traditional dance of the men, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: 63 years Amerindian man playing with the audience..., Dance of the sacred grasses for the men, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Dance of the sacred grasses for the men, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Dance of the sacred grasses for the men, young Amerindian, Pow Wor Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Greg Red Elk, Assiniboin, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: The traditional dance of the men, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Dance of the sacred grasses for the men, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Dance of the sacred grasses for the men, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Pow wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Round cercle dance, Pow Wow Ornans 2010 - Mitakuye Oyasin
Aruna's world: Bob Red Elk, Ceremony Master, Round cercle dance, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Round cercle dance, Pow Wow Ornans 2010
Aruna's world: Pow wow Ornans 2010, men's free dance...
Aruna's world: Amerindian receiving a drawing from the children from Ornans
Aruna's world: Children from Ornans giving drawings to each Amerindian