Aruna's world: A beautiful rose for you!
Aruna's world: Beautiful fall
Aruna's world: Ombellifère
Aruna's world: Cosmos au Port de Fribourg, Fribourg
Aruna's world: Lovely cosmos at the Port of Fribourg
Aruna's world: Beautiful flowers
Aruna's world: Beautiful fuchsia
Aruna's world: Ombellifères, constellation
Aruna's world: La légèreté de l'être...
Aruna's world: Buddleia de David
Aruna's world: In the mood for love...
Aruna's world: Summertime
Aruna's world: Lavender
Aruna's world: Lilium Bulbiferum
Aruna's world: Botanical garden, Fribourg, Switzerland
Aruna's world: Snail on ferns
Aruna's world: Trèfles à 4 feuilles
Aruna's world: Sanguisorba minor soop, petite pinprenelle, jardin botanique de Fribourg, Suisse
Aruna's world: Plantaho media L., plantain moyen, Mittlerer Wegerich, Eursasien
Aruna's world: Nemophila maculata Benth., N. maculée, Hainblume, Kalifornien, Botanical garden, Fribourg, Suisse
Aruna's world: Trollius asiaticus, Siberia, Ranunculaceae, botanical garden, Fribourg, Suisse
Aruna's world: Botanical garden, Fribourg, Switzerland
Aruna's world: Hortensias blancs
Aruna's world: Le bonheur est dans le pré !
Aruna's world: Lovely poppies in Fribourg, Switzerland
Aruna's world: Beautiful bush with red leaves and and yellow flowers, Yvonand, Suisse
Aruna's world: "The earth laughs in flowers", quote by Rumi
Aruna's world: Beautiful hydrangeas on my terrace, Fribourg, Switzerland
Aruna's world: Beautiful hydrangeas, Les 4 vents, Granges-Paccot, Switzerland