ziggywiggy: khet (that's 'field' in nepali)
ziggywiggy: rupees ( i think they are called! - funny coz that is also what the local currency is called!!!)
ziggywiggy: this kid had it going real easy...
ziggywiggy: panche baaja (five instruments)
ziggywiggy: protest for democracy in nepal (5)
ziggywiggy: piggy back ride, anyone??
ziggywiggy: protest for democracy in nepal (2)
ziggywiggy: protest for democracy in nepal (1)
ziggywiggy: protest for democracy in nepal
ziggywiggy: anilaa
ziggywiggy: garage sale!!
ziggywiggy: roof top view
ziggywiggy: roof top view
ziggywiggy: street side parlour