artworker: evan and buster
artworker: Alex and his dog.
artworker: "Loki Buster"
artworker: "Loki Buster"
artworker: 'Loki' Buster, just a little nap after all the playing.
artworker: "Loki Buster"
artworker: Buster and Lucy
artworker: 2007-2-11, Buster and tricycle
artworker: 2007-2-11, Buster, one year
artworker: Buster 12-06
artworker: Buster ringing in the Christmas season
artworker: Buster, too cute
artworker: Buster, Playing
artworker: Buster, 0906-5
artworker: 'Loki' Buster, Who me??
artworker: Buster, I have a tongue, too..
artworker: Buster, just another little nap after the playing.
artworker: "Loki Buster"
artworker: After the bath
artworker: Zoo birds at the National Zoo in DC.
artworker: Stellar Jay helping himself to the peanuts
artworker: Pigmy Nuthatch
artworker: Gyrofalcon Flagstaff arboretum ,Aug 26, 06 2
artworker: Barn owl,
artworker: European Owl, Flagstaff Arboretum
artworker: Female Harris Hawk
artworker: Evan and Rex. March 11, 07
artworker: Rex and Buster's nose, mar 11 07
artworker: Little cuties
artworker: Little Rex and Buddy Buster