Victor Mora Photos: bareleveling
Victor Mora Photos: o’erpine
Victor Mora Photos: pax latrina
Victor Mora Photos: present-tense
Victor Mora Photos: Gnossienne
Victor Mora Photos: The best part of an amusement park is that it allows you to escape from reality for a little while - anonymous
Victor Mora Photos: deep gut n.a resurgent emotion that you hadn’t felt in years that you might have forgotten about completely if your emotional playlist hadn’t accidentally been left on shuffle.
Victor Mora Photos: deep gut n.a resurgent emotion that you hadn’t felt in years that you might have forgotten about completely if your emotional playlist hadn’t accidentally been left on shuffle.
Victor Mora Photos: She told him that she dreamed about escaping. That was all she dreamed about - escape.
Victor Mora Photos: Loneliness is not to be alone, but rather the only one. -E.M.Cioran
Victor Mora Photos: I am convinced that we are in a terminal process. -E.P. Thompson
Victor Mora Photos: I am interested in silences - Anne Enright