artsy_T: 365 1. year 2. you'll never guess who just started 365. again.
artsy_T: 365 2. year 2. woo hoo! yay redwings. (ahhaahahahaha)
artsy_T: 365 3. year 2. "The better part of one's life consists of his friendships."
artsy_T: 365 5. year 2. i heard some good stuff yesterday.
artsy_T: 365 6. year 2. driving. thinking.
artsy_T: 365 7. year 2. almost forgot.
artsy_T: 365 8. year 2. check out these carnies
artsy_T: 365 9. year 2 jump.
artsy_T: 365 10. year 2. are you talking to ME?
artsy_T: 365 11. year 2. summer rain.
artsy_T: 365 12. year 2. a productive, feel-good kind of day.
artsy_T: 365 13. year 2. painting ANOTHER kid's room...
artsy_T: 365 14. year 2. at tiger stadium. cheesy smile and all.
artsy_T: 365 15. year 2. here comes the rain again.
artsy_T: 365 16. year 2. in church.
artsy_T: 365 17. year 2. the end of a great weekend.
artsy_T: 365 18. year 2. chillin' w/ baby sophie.
artsy_T: 365 19. year 2. i don't want to talk about it.
artsy_T: 365 20. year 2. fan. hair. grain.
artsy_T: 365 21. year 2. balance.
artsy_T: 365 22. year 2. we're not 9.
artsy_T: 365 23. year 2. cris is a beauty queen. and i have no eyes.
artsy_T: 365 24. year 2. whataweekend.
artsy_T: 365 27. year 2. stick that tongue out.
artsy_T: 365 28. year 2. chilln' w/ the flooz.
artsy_T: 365 29.year 2. not one, not two, but three surprise guests!
artsy_T: 365 30. year 2. happy.
artsy_T: 365 31. year 2. fab four again. but different ones.
artsy_T: 365. 32. year 2. duet w/ flooz.
artsy_T: 365 33. year 2. love of life.