artsy_T: power tower
artsy_T: a sweet moment....
artsy_T: rectangles
artsy_T: hoops
artsy_T: vertical, horizontal and diagonal
artsy_T: warm
artsy_T: wooo.
artsy_T: upward
artsy_T: another swirl. can you blame me?
artsy_T: i love this sculpture!!
artsy_T: sunlight
artsy_T: more rust.
artsy_T: dyxie in the basement
artsy_T: name this car
artsy_T: 1308
artsy_T: green stella
artsy_T: phabulous philly
artsy_T: get a handle on it.
artsy_T: details
artsy_T: samuel machinery co.
artsy_T: gorgeous sarah.
artsy_T: trip collage--philly!