artsy_T: red and rounded
artsy_T: red and green-
artsy_T: red door
artsy_T: the first one we went in...
artsy_T: winder street 1568
artsy_T: dr. feel good
artsy_T: slightly disturbing??
artsy_T: scary grey door
artsy_T: parking for bar customers only
artsy_T: bricks and red door
artsy_T: arches and rectangles
artsy_T: grey door
artsy_T: rusted glamour
artsy_T: for ted guy...
artsy_T: for dyxie
artsy_T: for jgcf
artsy_T: red door
artsy_T: is this better?
artsy_T: unpainted and painted
artsy_T: closed
artsy_T: corner store door
artsy_T: clown door
artsy_T: burnt out
artsy_T: 24 hour service entrance
artsy_T: sauce art
artsy_T: doors
artsy_T: warm
artsy_T: "The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.”
artsy_T: stone, wood and metal
artsy_T: all in one shot: