artsy_T: iron
artsy_T: reaching up
artsy_T: spiral
artsy_T: purple durple
artsy_T: fun with fuschia
artsy_T: turquoise twirls
artsy_T: my new rocket dogs
artsy_T: the back of my house...
artsy_T: side view of my house...
artsy_T: lil white flower
artsy_T: every rose has it's thorn
artsy_T: way cool sign
artsy_T: brand new
artsy_T: light and dark
artsy_T: clouds
artsy_T: carved
artsy_T: nailed
artsy_T: rectangles
artsy_T: ahead
artsy_T: just me and my shadow
artsy_T: iron swirls
artsy_T: snakeseyeview
artsy_T: circle
artsy_T: FORD
artsy_T: logs
artsy_T: the back of the house
artsy_T: green bench
artsy_T: brown and splintery
artsy_T: stacks
artsy_T: profile