artsy_T: gotta go to bed sometime....
artsy_T: metal rose
artsy_T: pretty lady
artsy_T: i'll take this one, one of these, and this, oh and that one too....
artsy_T: who doesn't love shoes?
artsy_T: fur (i'm hoping it's fake!)
artsy_T: skinny eye brows
artsy_T: marsha's closet?
artsy_T: bling!!
artsy_T: shiney vases
artsy_T: eiffel
artsy_T: swirl
artsy_T: shine
artsy_T: sparkle
artsy_T: beads!
artsy_T: yes?
artsy_T: i think these are adorable!
artsy_T: pink's a good hair color too
artsy_T: purrrrrrrrrrr
artsy_T: little bo peep has gone racey!
artsy_T: belts
artsy_T: ice princess
artsy_T: comfy shoes? naaaaaaa
artsy_T: royal oak alley
artsy_T: lovely confusion
artsy_T: lacey vintage
artsy_T: chandelier...i thought it was better in pink
artsy_T: fabric flower
artsy_T: exit?
artsy_T: pink