peggyhr: Yes, boiling water freezes instantly when tossed into outside air temperatures of -30C!
peggyhr: A winter wonderland
peggyhr: A snowy Prairie sunset
peggyhr: Cheers!! Bubbly reflections
peggyhr: A snowy night in Vancouver
peggyhr: Reflections: The magic of colours and lights
peggyhr: Flying back to the sun!
peggyhr: Reflections to go ...
peggyhr: City reflections in glass
peggyhr: "I AM DOWNTOWN"
peggyhr: Simplicity
peggyhr: Backlit reflections
peggyhr: Water Art: Flipped reflections in melted snow puddle
peggyhr: Looks like spring is in the air ...
peggyhr: Amber-keh morning moods
peggyhr: A cold & snowy February night in Vancouver
peggyhr: Winter revisited
peggyhr: Sunset reflections...
peggyhr: 30 stories down ...
peggyhr: Welcome signs of spring on Bluebird Estates
peggyhr: Water Art: Springtime layers in an upside down world
peggyhr: A field of clouds
peggyhr: A frosty, pastel sunrise
peggyhr: Wow! The chase is on ...
peggyhr: Happy Sunset Wednesday - Feliz Quarta Sunset!
peggyhr: As thoughts of spring return ...
peggyhr: Urban splendour in the golden light of the setting sun
peggyhr: Feliz Quarta Sunset / Happy Sunset Wednesday!
peggyhr: Here comes spring ... !
peggyhr: Swimming clouds