Susan Schwake: porcelain workshop with megan bogonovich
Susan Schwake: nancy working hard ...
Susan Schwake: megan the texture machine!
Susan Schwake: two students admiring their work
Susan Schwake: porcelain workshop sculptures pile
Susan Schwake: matching pinchpot podvases
Susan Schwake: working
Susan Schwake: funny little fat hedgehog man
Susan Schwake: chloe's little vases
Susan Schwake: saturday workshop
Susan Schwake: screen printing on clay
Susan Schwake: details
Susan Schwake: work from the workshop
Susan Schwake: work from the workshop
Susan Schwake: little dishes
Susan Schwake: megan looks on
Susan Schwake: my vase
Susan Schwake: close up
Susan Schwake: close up
Susan Schwake: screen printed porcelain