Susan Schwake: we took a nap outside
Susan Schwake: it was so quiet here you just wouldn't believe it.
Susan Schwake: another willow
Susan Schwake: whomping willows
Susan Schwake: hugs Rainer::Alfred
Susan Schwake: where we came from
Susan Schwake: where we were going...
Susan Schwake: from the apple tree outback
Susan Schwake: the recumbent rainer made
Susan Schwake: cruisin
Susan Schwake: Juli and the cake
Susan Schwake: she is so sweet it hurts....
Susan Schwake: with dirk and flocken
Susan Schwake: at the canal with dirk
Susan Schwake: walking the canal
Susan Schwake: dirk's offices
Susan Schwake: road to muenster
Susan Schwake: breakfast in the garden
Susan Schwake: the wheat field
Susan Schwake: elevator kiss
Susan Schwake: yet another lovely street pattern
Susan Schwake: jet lagged
Susan Schwake: first breakfast
Susan Schwake: der family
Susan Schwake: party tent and hollyhock shadows
Susan Schwake: party tent goes up!
Susan Schwake: what do they sell?
Susan Schwake: sunrise
Susan Schwake: fresh off the jet - dusseldorf flug bahn
Susan Schwake: new day