Tea and Ink:
Tea Tree drawing in process on white Kona cotton.
Tea and Ink:
Part of 'Tea Tree' drying in the sun
Tea and Ink:
Start of 'Tea Tree'
Tea and Ink:
Summer cone
Tea and Ink:
bedtime rituals quilt
Tea and Ink:
bedtime rituals quilt
Tea and Ink:
bedtime rituals quilt
Tea and Ink:
Underdrawing for my latest art quilt... for a friend
Tea and Ink:
platter people
Tea and Ink:
a day in the life
Tea and Ink:
bonfire of the fish spirits
Tea and Ink:
after autumn, hair grows on trees
Tea and Ink:
bonfire of the fish spirits
Tea and Ink:
tennis player
Tea and Ink:
bread maker
Tea and Ink:
moon bath
Tea and Ink:
messenger swallows carrying yarn to coastal villages
Tea and Ink:
moon flower
Tea and Ink:
gatherings and collections
Tea and Ink:
Gatherings and collections
Tea and Ink:
art quilt series - yoga series...
Tea and Ink:
Tea and Ink:
Super cute quilt pattern
Tea and Ink:
Back of Tunnels
Tea and Ink:
magic oven
Tea and Ink:
magic oven
Tea and Ink:
The Cottage Garden
Tea and Ink:
Cottage Garden
Tea and Ink:
Cottage Garden
Tea and Ink: