Arthur Anker: Pholcid spider female with eggs
Arthur Anker: Aposematically coloured assassin bug Acanthischium dimidiatum
Arthur Anker: A pseudoscorpion under tree bark
Arthur Anker: Micrathena pichincha or close ?
Arthur Anker: Freshwater parasitic isopod (Cymothoidae) from an Amazonian fish, probably Serrasalmus sp
Arthur Anker: Orange-horn unicorn katydid (Copiphora sp)
Arthur Anker: Cute metallic cuckoo bee resting on a flower
Arthur Anker: Beautiful death (2)
Arthur Anker: Giant trap-jaw ant
Arthur Anker: Bark mantis (Hagiomantis sp ?)
Arthur Anker: Leo Marti opening a Brazil nut
Arthur Anker: Celosia argentea f. cristata
Arthur Anker: Taking pictures
Arthur Anker: Francisco hunting
Arthur Anker: Flat crab spider (Onocolus ankeri, Thomisidae)
Arthur Anker: Brazilian Amazon
Arthur Anker: Micrathena kirbyi
Arthur Anker: Perfect camouflage
Arthur Anker: Mating Brazilian flag grasshoppers, also known as "soldadinhos" (Chromacris sp)
Arthur Anker: Interesting fly (family ???)
Arthur Anker: I am sooooo photogenic
Arthur Anker: Overloaded bus
Arthur Anker: The face to face encounter with the photographer
Arthur Anker: Actinosoma pentacanthum
Arthur Anker: Golden tree frog
Arthur Anker: Diplocentrid scorpion (Brotheas sp) - large stinger, but quite harmless
Arthur Anker: Defensive posture
Arthur Anker: Huge social spider web (Anelosimus eximius), Rio Urubu, Brazil
Arthur Anker: Showing off