Arthur Anker:
Arawacus separata with false antennae, Ecuador
Arthur Anker:
Indian kid playing in the mud
Arthur Anker:
Our prof from Banyuls-sur-Mer (Paris - student years)
Arthur Anker:
Olga and Arina (Paris - student years)
Arthur Anker:
Dendrobates [Oophaga] pumilio subspecies, Bocas del Toro
Arthur Anker:
Tash Rabat, Kyrgyzstan
Arthur Anker:
Big Apple, view from Empire State Building
Arthur Anker:
Cristina and Leticia in the Pyrenean mountains
Arthur Anker:
Well balanced
Arthur Anker:
Alpheus aff crockeri (probably undescribed species), West Africa
Arthur Anker:
This female pseudophylline katydid (Typophyllum sp) from Ecuador imitates not only the shape of a dead leaf, but also its folding
Arthur Anker:
Pink-toed tarantula (Avicularia cf avilcularia), Ecuadorian Amazon
Arthur Anker:
Colourful crab spider (Stephanopoides cf simonii Keyserling, 1880) with beetle prey, Ecuador
Arthur Anker:
Arthur Anker:
Leopard shark in the Lisbon Oceanarium
Arthur Anker:
Sacre-Coeur, view from Barbès
Arthur Anker:
Lisbon tramway
Arthur Anker:
Banner or leaf-footed bug (Anisoscelis flavolineata), Panama
Arthur Anker:
Jelle with Dutch-Panamanian cows
Arthur Anker:
Brown tree frog from Bocas del Toro, Panama
Arthur Anker:
Peculiar frog, Oreobates quixensis, Ecuador
Arthur Anker:
Tridachiella diomedea or Pacific sea lettuce, Panama
Arthur Anker:
Jumping stick (Apioscelis bulbosa, Proscopiidae, Ecuador
Arthur Anker:
Colourful grouse locust (Scaria sp), Ecuador
Arthur Anker:
Rainforest grasshopper (Eulampiacris cf leucoptera), Ecuador
Arthur Anker:
Athletic grasshopper (Copiocera sp), Ecuador
Arthur Anker:
Zigzag beetle (Erotylus incomparabilis, Erotylidae) from Ecuador
Arthur Anker:
A patterned cricket (Phylloscyrtus intermedius) from Panama
Arthur Anker:
Cloudforest bromeliads, Ecuador
Arthur Anker:
Cloudforest-covered mountains east of Quito, Ecuador