Arthur Anker: Cardisoma guanhumi - a mighty crab from the Caribbean
Arthur Anker: Spotted bumblebee shrimp (Gnathophyllum panamense)
Arthur Anker: Hermit crab (Calcinus pulcher) from Fiji in an exclusive home !
Arthur Anker: Aegiochus vigilans (Haswell, 1881) - an odd isopod from the Philippines
Arthur Anker: Squilla aculeata - raptorial claws
Arthur Anker: Eyes of a stomatopod (Squilla aculeata), Panama
Arthur Anker: Wooly crab from Fiji
Arthur Anker: Coralliocaris graminea - a peculiar snapping shrimp
Arthur Anker: Periclimenes yucatanicus - Yucatan anemone shrimp
Arthur Anker: Stenopus scutellatus - a boxer shrimp from Panama
Arthur Anker: Pontonia margarita - commensal shrimp from the eastern Pacific
Arthur Anker: Microprosthema semilaeve - little known Caribbean "boxer" shrimp
Arthur Anker: Brachycarpus cf biunguiculatus - a palaemonid shrimp from West Africa
Arthur Anker: Sphaeromatid isopod (Cilicaeopsis cf whiteleggei) from Fiji
Arthur Anker: Saron sp, new species of marbled shrimp
Arthur Anker: Portrait of swimming crab (Thalamitoides tridens)
Arthur Anker: Marbled shrimp (Saron sp. cf. marmoratus) from Fiji
Arthur Anker: Elbow crab (Heterocrypta sp, Parthenopidae) from the Pacific coast of Panama
Arthur Anker: Johngarthia weileri - a land crab from Sao Tome
Arthur Anker: A brightly-coloured crab (Euryozius pagalu) from Sao Tome
Arthur Anker: Clausidium vancouverense - symbiotic copepod
Arthur Anker: Corallianassa sp - coral mudshrimp from the Caribbean coast of Panama
Arthur Anker: Snapping shrimp (Alpheus sp) from West Africa
Arthur Anker: Axiopsis sp - a strange mudshrimp from the Caribbean
Arthur Anker: Pseudosquillisma oculata - a small mantis shrimp with a big (false) eye
Arthur Anker: Semiterrestrial crab (probably Pseudothelphusidae), near Volcan Baru, Panama
Arthur Anker: Albunea sp - a weird-looking burrowing anomuran crab
Arthur Anker: Coral shrimp with asymmetrical claws (Jocaste sp.), Fiji
Arthur Anker: Banded coral shrimp (Stenopus hispidus)
Arthur Anker: Alpheus cylindricus - a snapping shrimp from the Pacific coast of Panama