Arthur Anker: flower petal leafhopper - Acanaloniidae
Arthur Anker: Leafhoppers & co - part 2
Arthur Anker: Leafhoppers & co - part 1
Arthur Anker: Thread-legged bug (Reduviidae, Emesinae) from Panama
Arthur Anker: Membracis dorsata - a Portuguese helmet treehopper from Panama
Arthur Anker: Tiny sugar-cotton hopper (actually nymph of a fulgoroid hopper), Panama
Arthur Anker: Enchophora sp - a fancy lanternbug from Panama
Arthur Anker: Cyphonia clavata - belived to be an "ant-mimicking" treehopper, Panama
Arthur Anker: Sphongophorus (Cladonota) ballista - a horseshoe-shaped treehopper from Panama
Arthur Anker: Polyglypta sp - a seed-mimicking treehopper from Panama
Arthur Anker: Bark bug from SaoTome
Arthur Anker: Net-winged hopper (Nogodinidae) from Panama
Arthur Anker: Antianthe sp cf expansa - keeled treehopper or Marsians are coming !
Arthur Anker: Campylenchia sp - a thorn treehopper (Membracidae) from Panama
Arthur Anker: Colourful stink bug (Brachystethus rubromaculatus) from Panama
Arthur Anker: Coreid bug (Hypselonotus sp) from Panama
Arthur Anker: Assassin bug (Ricolla sp, Reduviidae) from Panama
Arthur Anker: Enchophyllum sp - another treehopper from Panama
Arthur Anker: Vanduzea sp - a treehopper (Membracidae) from Panama
Arthur Anker: Treehoppers (Membracidae) from Central America
Arthur Anker: Myrmecomorph (ant-mimicking) bug
Arthur Anker: Cyphonia clavata 2
Arthur Anker: Another nice sharpshooter (Graphocephala sp, Cicadellinae) from Panama
Arthur Anker: Treehopper (tribe Aconophorini) guarded by an ant
Arthur Anker: Large assassin bug (Heza sp, Reduviidae) from Panama
Arthur Anker: Cyphonia clavata 3 - dorsal view
Arthur Anker: Green jewel cicada (Zamara smaragdina)
Arthur Anker: Beekiller (Apiomerus sp, Reduviidae) from Panama
Arthur Anker: Mating sharpshooters (Cicadellinae), Costa Rica
Arthur Anker: Colourful bug, Hypselonotus cf atratus (Coreidae), Panama