artolog: ibis family in the wild
artolog: anhinga family
artolog: nesting egret
artolog: excited egret takes off
artolog: excited egret
artolog: wood stork
artolog: bald eagle
artolog: mystery heron
artolog: walking on water
artolog: starfish platter was the low tide lunch special
artolog: heron at low tide
artolog: hawk on the wing
artolog: hawk hopping about
artolog: raptor of state
artolog: white-crowned sparrow
artolog: hawk in winter
artolog: a bird and his man
artolog: owl back
artolog: eurasian eagle owl
artolog: screech owl
artolog: find the owl
artolog: newcomer again
artolog: newcomer
artolog: last photos....
artolog: the owl.. is she still around?
artolog: back to the owl
artolog: still there...
artolog: owl in the open
artolog: birds in eucalyptus
artolog: saturday owl