artnoose: front room demolition
artnoose: majestic stair windows
artnoose: where to wear a ballgown
artnoose: letterpress al fresca
artnoose: guillotine al fresca
artnoose: letterpress seatbelt
artnoose: jumping the gap
artnoose: letterpress awaits fate
artnoose: how we move a letterpress
artnoose: how they built the pyramids
artnoose: Crossing the Threshold.
artnoose: it's a house!
artnoose: the warm room
artnoose: didn't there used to be a closet there?
artnoose: the state of the ground floor
artnoose: wallpaper found underneath old sink cabinet
artnoose: detail of old wallpaper
artnoose: floor sanding
artnoose: front room - floor
artnoose: close-up on that hardwood!
artnoose: cutter in truck
artnoose: demolished 2nd floor bathroom
artnoose: masked and hatted demolition bandits
artnoose: front room ceiling, plasterless
artnoose: 2nd floor bathroom, floorless
artnoose: getting the shaft out
artnoose: press in the doorway
artnoose: rolling the press into position on pipes
artnoose: ready to rumble
artnoose: beginning of the ascent