madeofmonsters: selfportrait13-Edit-Edit.jpg
madeofmonsters: IMG_1078.jpg
madeofmonsters: DSCF0070.jpg
madeofmonsters: Self-portrait with short haircut.
madeofmonsters: 370_5028
madeofmonsters: DSC_4714 (1)
madeofmonsters: Andrew
madeofmonsters: 321_0270.jpg
madeofmonsters: Rubin is giving me the eye
madeofmonsters: 287_0797.jpg
madeofmonsters: Mooflyfoof
madeofmonsters: Qarly is giving me the eye
madeofmonsters: 321_0036.jpg
madeofmonsters: Nice braids
madeofmonsters: 321_0031.jpg
madeofmonsters: 298_0031.jpg
madeofmonsters: So you know what I look like.
madeofmonsters: Hair-flippy self portrait
madeofmonsters: 309_0007.jpg
madeofmonsters: 263_5859
madeofmonsters: Kristen, hair-flippy
madeofmonsters: 256_4592.jpg
madeofmonsters: Unearthly glow