Artlove2010: Building -New York
Artlove2010: L'envol - New York
Artlove2010: Retro Paris0808
Artlove2010: La jeune fille et l'affiche
Artlove2010: J composed
Artlove2010: Skater
Artlove2010: CRYING FACE
Artlove2010: IMG_2619
Artlove2010: LOVE MANON
Artlove2010: 20090220-IMG_2474
Artlove2010: Sky line5
Artlove2010: Le marron éclaté-1
Artlove2010: Building2
Artlove2010: 20081223-IMG_0535_tonemapped
Artlove2010: _MG_2806-40 copie
Artlove2010: Umbrella10
Artlove2010: IMG_2262_2
Artlove2010: IMG_3029 copie.jpg
Artlove2010: Promenade Nice
Artlove2010: The end
Artlove2010: One yellow
Artlove2010: Cab and Calèche
Artlove2010: Yellow is NY
Artlove2010: Le Panthéon - Piazza della Rotonda-2
Artlove2010: PIZZA CAR
Artlove2010: RED GLASSES
Artlove2010: La jeune fille et l'affiche