artlessfun: Nutria fight
artlessfun: Nutria fight
artlessfun: Post-preening flair
artlessfun: Contortionist
artlessfun: Northern Pintail preening
artlessfun: Northern Shoveler's business tools
artlessfun: American Bittern
artlessfun: American Bittern
artlessfun: American Bittern
artlessfun: American Bittern
artlessfun: Ruddy Duck in distress
artlessfun: Ruddy Duck in distress
artlessfun: Coyote
artlessfun: Coyote
artlessfun: Coyote
artlessfun: Munching
artlessfun: Unconcerned
artlessfun: Unconcerned about the tourists
artlessfun: A tree full of Swallows
artlessfun: Young Peregrine Falcon
artlessfun: Don't do this from October 1 through April 30
artlessfun: Golden-crowned Sparrow
artlessfun: Golden-crowned Sparrow
artlessfun: One-eyed bird stalker
artlessfun: Entrance
artlessfun: Wilson's Snipes
artlessfun: Greater White-fronted Goose
artlessfun: Greater White-fronted Goose
artlessfun: Goner
artlessfun: Stab and twist