ArtJoy4Ever: Dana Descovery Center,. CP, NY
ArtJoy4Ever: Esther
ArtJoy4Ever: Winterland Arch
ArtJoy4Ever: 5thave Apartments
ArtJoy4Ever: Building across the park on 5th
ArtJoy4Ever: 5th ave view from the Meer
ArtJoy4Ever: Bow Bridge CP
ArtJoy4Ever: Winter Aternoon
ArtJoy4Ever: The MET
ArtJoy4Ever: Central Park East
ArtJoy4Ever: Tree Reflection
ArtJoy4Ever: The Meer, CP, NY
ArtJoy4Ever: Bridge by the Reservoi
ArtJoy4Ever: Tree on Central Park
ArtJoy4Ever: Reservoi Southgate
ArtJoy4Ever: turtlepond
ArtJoy4Ever: Here is Esther
ArtJoy4Ever: Snow Sculpture
ArtJoy4Ever: Chillin' on the pond
ArtJoy4Ever: nicepath
ArtJoy4Ever: Early fall
ArtJoy4Ever: Central Park bee
ArtJoy4Ever: themet
ArtJoy4Ever: turtle pond
ArtJoy4Ever: Harlem Meer
ArtJoy4Ever: Turtle pond
ArtJoy4Ever: View from Central Park
ArtJoy4Ever: Turtle pond
ArtJoy4Ever: Sculture
ArtJoy4Ever: East view