look_into_my_eye: even in darkness
look_into_my_eye: under the light
look_into_my_eye: the straight road
look_into_my_eye: hard rock
look_into_my_eye: acanta mall
look_into_my_eye: acanta mall1
look_into_my_eye: through the colored walls
look_into_my_eye: cathedral basilica
look_into_my_eye: ancient history (plaza de espana)
look_into_my_eye: see through
look_into_my_eye: welcome to guam
look_into_my_eye: serena bridge
look_into_my_eye: the other view
look_into_my_eye: under the bridge
look_into_my_eye: old spanish style home
look_into_my_eye: CATHEDRAL BASILICA
look_into_my_eye: plaza de espana
look_into_my_eye: ray of sunshine
look_into_my_eye: 19/52 The plant
look_into_my_eye: The Magnificent View!!!