artiefacts: Mike Luster
artiefacts: Phil Bennison, Gary Panter, Nathan Vinson
artiefacts: Larry McClung
artiefacts: Dan Rather at Brookhaven College
artiefacts: dhs70girls
artiefacts: Phil Huber
artiefacts: Beowulf Sheehan
artiefacts: Bucks Burnett
artiefacts: Tim Wise
artiefacts: Robin
artiefacts: Arthur and Estelle Thompson
artiefacts: Arthur Luster
artiefacts: Caroline and James Turner
artiefacts: James Turner
artiefacts: Don Turner, 1947
artiefacts: Christmas, 1954
artiefacts: the boys
artiefacts: avery24
artiefacts: hadi_johnny_beth
artiefacts: anja and allen
artiefacts: Joe Pipps and FOG
artiefacts: ldwest
artiefacts: rick_murray
artiefacts: murray_1
artiefacts: mick2
artiefacts: jmike
artiefacts: krys and dave
artiefacts: DSC01037
artiefacts: at the 2nd annual Dallas Peace Film Festival