arthwollipot: Charge!
arthwollipot: Form a… wall?
arthwollipot: Not sure I'm ready
arthwollipot: The battle is joined!
arthwollipot: Form a disorderly mob!
arthwollipot: Shield Wall
arthwollipot: Wall of swords, with photographer
arthwollipot: Confidence is key
arthwollipot: We are coming for you
arthwollipot: I won!
arthwollipot: Four! I have four hit points!
arthwollipot: Is that… a boogie board?
arthwollipot: Flail
arthwollipot: Highlander? There can be only one!
arthwollipot: Crimson Company, follow me!
arthwollipot: When I need to cover ground quickly...
arthwollipot: Crimson Company, led by Blue Knight
arthwollipot: Beware the librarian in your midst!
arthwollipot: Kettle hat and bevor
arthwollipot: Masks
arthwollipot: Group shot
arthwollipot: Demon armour
arthwollipot: Hold the line!
arthwollipot: We will watch
arthwollipot: Defenders of the Lavender
arthwollipot: Is that… a Sontaran?
arthwollipot: Archer
arthwollipot: Hold your swords in the air like you just don't care
arthwollipot: Autumn Battle