Ted LaBar: Venetian Splendor
Ted LaBar: Carnevale di Venezia
Ted LaBar: A Courtier at Carneval de Venezia
Ted LaBar: Masks for Everyone
Ted LaBar: Lead dogs get a hug at the starting gate
Ted LaBar: McKinley with Giant Leaf
Ted LaBar: Sisters
Ted LaBar: McKinley
Ted LaBar: Monarch Butterfly and Jackson
Ted LaBar: Monarch Butterfly and Reagan
Ted LaBar: Anna views the Eclipse
Ted LaBar: Bavarian Wedding
Ted LaBar: Worshippers, Cologne Cathedral
Ted LaBar: Kentucky Fiddler
Ted LaBar: Reagan, McKinley and Kennedy
Ted LaBar: Jennifer hugs a dog before the race
Ted LaBar: Catamaran skipper
Ted LaBar: A Christmas nap
Ted LaBar: Kennedy
Ted LaBar: Jennifer & Andrew
Ted LaBar: Kennedy, age 6
Ted LaBar: Reagan looks through the wall
Ted LaBar: Kennedy peers under the wall
Ted LaBar: Addison
Ted LaBar: McKinley in Santa Hat
Ted LaBar: Kennedy
Ted LaBar: Kennedy at the pool
Ted LaBar: Faye and Amber
Ted LaBar: Dan and Holden
Ted LaBar: Kennedy, at her 5th Birthday Party