Ted LaBar: Playing in the sand
Ted LaBar: All the girls love the water
Ted LaBar: Grammy and Jackson on the Beach
Ted LaBar: Mercury passes close to the Moon
Ted LaBar: Sunrise, St. George Island, Florida
Ted LaBar: Deck Chairs
Ted LaBar: Sunrise and Boardwalk
Ted LaBar: Beach Morning Glories
Ted LaBar: Reagan, Anna and Kennedy
Ted LaBar: Kennedy's handstand
Ted LaBar: Reagan's Handstand
Ted LaBar: Light House, St. George Island
Ted LaBar: Reagan and Kennedy
Ted LaBar: Family Portrait
Ted LaBar: Just the girls
Ted LaBar: Birds over the Gulf at sunrise, St. George Island, Florida
Ted LaBar: Sherry shelling
Ted LaBar: A Quiet Breakfast on the Deck
Ted LaBar: Beach House at Dusk
Ted LaBar: Moonlight, St. George Island, Florida
Ted LaBar: Sunrise, St. George island, Florida
Ted LaBar: Fisherman, sunrise, Gulf of Mexico
Ted LaBar: Shorebird, Sunrise, St. George Island
Ted LaBar: Sunset, St. George Island, Florida