Ted LaBar: Original cabin 1
Ted LaBar: Original cabin 2
Ted LaBar: Poppy
Ted LaBar: Petunias
Ted LaBar: Heart rocks
Ted LaBar: Aurora 1
Ted LaBar: Aurora 2
Ted LaBar: Aurora 3
Ted LaBar: The backyard looking north
Ted LaBar: Berry bush and reindeer moss
Ted LaBar: Black spruce cone
Ted LaBar: New Cabin
Ted LaBar: Rainbow over new cabin
Ted LaBar: Measuring for a spline cut
Ted LaBar: Keying logs for a spline
Ted LaBar: Removing the roofing metal
Ted LaBar: Planning the interior
Ted LaBar: Landscaping
Ted LaBar: Setting the east plate on a burl post
Ted LaBar: New rafters
Ted LaBar: Trimming a brace
Ted LaBar: Preparing the purlins
Ted LaBar: Breaktime
Ted LaBar: The old man worked too!
Ted LaBar: Installing the first window
Ted LaBar: Jennifer and Andrew 1
Ted LaBar: Jennifer and Andrew 2
Ted LaBar: Heart Rocks AK 2012