Ted LaBar: 105 miles of peace and tranquility
Ted LaBar: Luna moth
Ted LaBar: Skyline Drive overlook
Ted LaBar: Two pollinators on common milkweed cluster
Ted LaBar: Taking a break on the AT
Ted LaBar: Blackcap raspberries
Ted LaBar: Skyline drive bounty
Ted LaBar: Cell phone timeout
Ted LaBar: Purple-flowering raspberry
Ted LaBar: Black bear series - cubs 1
Ted LaBar: Black bear series - mama bear
Ted LaBar: Black bear series - warning
Ted LaBar: Marys Tunnel
Ted LaBar: Stone retaining wall
Ted LaBar: Columbine
Ted LaBar: Butterfly weed and tiger swallowtail
Ted LaBar: North gate, Shenandoah National Park-Skyline Drive
Ted LaBar: Appalachian Trail Marker