arthurms1: MET17-1DSC_79250009
arthurms1: Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC
arthurms1: MET17-3DSC_79270009
arthurms1: Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC
arthurms1: Metropolitan Museum of Art NYC
arthurms1: MET17-6DSC_79300009
arthurms1: Irving Penn's camera
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection
arthurms1: Irving Penn's collection