Arthur Chapman: Walter Berendsohn and Lee Belbin at TDWG dinner 2016
Arthur Chapman: TDWG2016 Dinner
Arthur Chapman: TDWG2016 Dinner
Arthur Chapman: Volunteers at TDWG 2016
Arthur Chapman: TDWG2016 Poster
Arthur Chapman: TDWG2016 Closing Ceremony
Arthur Chapman: Introducing TDWG2017 in Ottawa
Arthur Chapman: TDWG2016 Closing Ceremony
Arthur Chapman: Volunteers at the TDWG2016 Closing Ceremony
Arthur Chapman: Volunteers at TDWG2016 Closing Ceremony
Arthur Chapman: Musicians at the TDWG2016 Dinner
Arthur Chapman: Dinner out in La Fortuna
Arthur Chapman: Arenal Volcano early morning
Arthur Chapman: Greg Whitbread at TDWG2016
Arthur Chapman: Antonio Saraiva at TDWG2016
Arthur Chapman: Dmitry Schigel at TDWG2016
Arthur Chapman: James Macklin at TDWG2016
Arthur Chapman: Antonio Saraiva and Steve Kelling at TDWG2016
Arthur Chapman: Prop Roots
Arthur Chapman: Prop Roots
Arthur Chapman: Hank and Wendy Bart and James Macklin at TDWG2016
Arthur Chapman: Arturo Ariño at TDWG2016
Arthur Chapman: Deborah Paul rocking it at TDWG2016
Arthur Chapman: Deborah Paul and Antonio Saraiva at TDWG2016