arthur+martha: Armour (Gavin) Detail of the Armour artwork
arthur+martha: Peggy embroidering
arthur+martha: bog off (Phil B) Detail of the Armour artwork
arthur+martha: Angels (Pete Twigg) Detail of the Armour artwork
arthur+martha: Block them out, Detail of the Armour artwork
arthur+martha: Knowledge sunburst, Detail of the Armour artwork
arthur+martha: Lee's poetic textile work
arthur+martha: Phil B with his poetry
arthur+martha: Lee, Armour project
arthur+martha: Matt Hill aka The Quiet Loner and Christine
arthur+martha: Imperial War Museum North
arthur+martha: P's bark
arthur+martha: Box room, design for Armour project
arthur+martha: Lawrence
arthur+martha: Arm details
arthur+martha: Armour gambersons
arthur+martha: Armour work in progress
arthur+martha: Armour, reverse?
arthur+martha: Disorder
arthur+martha: Embroidered poems detail
arthur+martha: Embroidery hanging
arthur+martha: False Front, Armour artwork
arthur+martha: Gambersons, armour
arthur+martha: Gavins poem and rusted fabric
arthur+martha: Lee's embroidered poem
arthur+martha: Peggy's pulled down
arthur+martha: Peter and Gavin
arthur+martha: The Night