arthur+martha: missing outside beyond reach
arthur+martha: missing outside (reverse)
arthur+martha: stay together
arthur+martha: salford egg gallery
arthur+martha: Lois and Phil
arthur+martha: free ride
arthur+martha: free ride to
arthur+martha: comfort word language sound
arthur+martha: get help through the police (reverese)
arthur+martha: left alone feeling angry (reverse)
arthur+martha: going home to my chipendale
arthur+martha: going home to my chipendale (reverese)
arthur+martha: traffic commotion
arthur+martha: traffic commotions (reverse)
arthur+martha: move on from where I am
arthur+martha: like floating on air
arthur+martha: like floating on air (reverse)
arthur+martha: Butlins
arthur+martha: butlins (reverse)
arthur+martha: leaving on a jet plane
arthur+martha: nightfall a homeless (reverse)
arthur+martha: stay together for bad or worse
arthur+martha: stay together (reverse)
arthur+martha: because i'm Christian
arthur+martha: havent been sleeping
arthur+martha: safe in this country
arthur+martha: safe in this country (reverse)
arthur+martha: sanctuary
arthur+martha: taxi take me to my sleeping bag
arthur+martha: taxi take me to my (reverse)