Dirty Thumper: Lensscape II [Jan 2018]
Dirty Thumper: Lensscape I [Feb 2017]
Dirty Thumper: far away and long ago when cameras were built to last... [EXPLORED]
Dirty Thumper: Minolta SR-T 101 / Rokkor 24mm
Dirty Thumper: Minolta - Novoflex - Zeiss
Dirty Thumper: My old Minolta glass herd III [November 2018 update]
Dirty Thumper: My old Minolta glass herd II [April 2017 update]
Dirty Thumper: My old Minolta glass herd I [November 2016]
Dirty Thumper: 60s Flashback - Vintage 35mm Rokkor
Dirty Thumper: classic setup
Dirty Thumper: Guess the third name.
Dirty Thumper: Shutter cocking lever
Dirty Thumper: Vintage Minolta
Dirty Thumper: Minolta SR-T 101 with Novoflex bellows and Minolta 35-70mm f/3.5 macro zoom lens (MD III)
Dirty Thumper: Minolta SR-T 101
Dirty Thumper: My beloved F-1
Dirty Thumper: Red button
Dirty Thumper: Rewind crank
Dirty Thumper: ASA/DIN
Dirty Thumper: right angle
Dirty Thumper: nikkor time
Dirty Thumper: body count