Artefax Jericho: Great tit (Parus major)
Artefax Jericho: sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Artefax Jericho: pelican (Pelecanus crispus)
Artefax Jericho: fishing pole (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
Artefax Jericho: great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Artefax Jericho: great cormorant
Artefax Jericho: Great Cormorant
Artefax Jericho: Great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Artefax Jericho: fazant (Phasianus colchicus)
Artefax Jericho: tjiftjaf (Phylloscopus collybita)
Artefax Jericho: tjiftjaf
Artefax Jericho: tjiftjaf
Artefax Jericho: Magpie (pica pica)
Artefax Jericho: green woodpecker (Picus viridis)
Artefax Jericho: dancing grebe's (Podiceps cristatus)
Artefax Jericho: grebe's - feeding time (Podiceps cristatus)
Artefax Jericho: grebe's - feeding time (2)
Artefax Jericho: Grebe in action
Artefax Jericho: grebe's - feeding time
Artefax Jericho: grebe with fish
Artefax Jericho: grebe with fish
Artefax Jericho: yes, you can french kiss me!
Artefax Jericho: grebe with fish - feeding (big) youngsters
Artefax Jericho: young grebe with a 'small' snack
Artefax Jericho: young grebe with a 'small' snack
Artefax Jericho: great crested grebe with fish
Artefax Jericho: spoonbill (Platalea alba)