C-Monster: Tanya Aguiñiga, "Memoria," 2020-21
C-Monster: Tanya Aguiñiga, "Línea Pak," 2020-21
C-Monster: Tanya Aguiñiga, "Línea Pak," 2020-21
C-Monster: Tanya Aguiñiga, "Línea Pak," 2020-21
C-Monster: Tanya Aguiñiga, "Metabolizing the Border," 2020
C-Monster: Tanya Aguiñiga, "Metabolizing the Border," 2020
C-Monster: Tanya Aguiñiga, "Memoria," 2020-21
C-Monster: Tanya Aguiñiga, "Memoria," 2020-21
C-Monster: Tanya Aguiñiga, "Memoria," 2020-21
C-Monster: Ernesto Bautista, "Teatro del desencuentro," 2018-21
C-Monster: Ernesto Bautista, "Teatro del desencuentro," 2018-21
C-Monster: Installation view with map of the Americas
C-Monster: Cog*nate Collective, "and will be again... (y de nuevo serán)," 2020-21
C-Monster: Cog*nate Collective, "and will be again... (y de nuevo serán)," 2020-21
C-Monster: "Objeto Antiguo," Beatric Cortez, Kaqjay Moloj and FIEBRE Ediciones
C-Monster: "Objeto Antiguo," Beatric Cortez, Kaqjay Moloj and FIEBRE Ediciones
C-Monster: "Beatriz da Costa: (un)disciplinary tactics," organized by LACE and presented at the Municipal Art Gallery
C-Monster: "Beatriz da Costa: (un)disciplinary tactics," organized by LACE and presented at the Municipal Art Gallery
C-Monster: "Beatriz da Costa: (un)disciplinary tactics," organized by LACE and presented at the Municipal Art Gallery
C-Monster: "Beatriz da Costa: (un)disciplinary tactics," organized by LACE and presented at the Municipal Art Gallery
C-Monster: "Beatriz da Costa: (un)disciplinary tactics," organized by LACE and presented at the Municipal Art Gallery
C-Monster: "Beatriz da Costa: (un)disciplinary tactics," organized by LACE and presented at the Municipal Art Gallery
C-Monster: "Beatriz da Costa: (un)disciplinary tactics," organized by LACE and presented at the Municipal Art Gallery
C-Monster: "Beatriz da Costa: (un)disciplinary tactics," organized by LACE and presented at the Municipal Art Gallery
C-Monster: "Beatriz da Costa: (un)disciplinary tactics," organized by LACE and presented at the Municipal Art Gallery
C-Monster: "Beatriz da Costa: (un)disciplinary tactics," organized by LACE and presented at the Municipal Art Gallery