C-Monster: Ed at car dinner_F8A9378
C-Monster: Ed at a picnic in Palos Verdes
C-Monster: Ed traveling through the Alps
C-Monster: Ed traveling through the Alps
C-Monster: Taliesin West
C-Monster: Taliesin West
C-Monster: Gon' Make it Rain or Shine
C-Monster: Lights in City Park
C-Monster: Vallaincourt Fountain, San Francisco
C-Monster: Clare Rojas, "Untitled," 2017
C-Monster: Clare Rojas, "Untitled," 2017
C-Monster: Ed with mask and braids
C-Monster: Martha pestering Ed for snacks
C-Monster: Ed posing with some serape wings
C-Monster: Ed walking Martha with a view of the downtown skyline
C-Monster: Ed in the kitchen
C-Monster: Ed in the kitchen
C-Monster: Ed showing off his poncho