A. Drauglis: 5. Here it comes!
A. Drauglis: It's Red-shouldered Hawk Day in Virginia!
A. Drauglis: Red-Tailed Stare
A. Drauglis: Derby Helps Sweep up the Shop
A. Drauglis: Front, Upper third
A. Drauglis: Derby Investigates
A. Drauglis: Fellow Birdwatcher at Monticello Park
A. Drauglis: Kiss me, You Fool!
A. Drauglis: C-ville C-tail
A. Drauglis: Lets go surfin' now! Everybunny's learnin' how! Come on and safari with Derby!!!!!
A. Drauglis: Disdaining Rabbit
A. Drauglis: A Lean, mean, vegan poop machine!
A. Drauglis: "Is this high enough?" Close-up!
A. Drauglis: Brown Bunny, Red Bench, Green garden
A. Drauglis: Whoa-o here she comes!
A. Drauglis: The victim and the perpetrator
A. Drauglis: Roundabout Farm's Pepper swag
A. Drauglis: Raven soaring over Stony Man
A. Drauglis: Juvenile Barred Owl
A. Drauglis: The Remains
A. Drauglis: My 20 "Most Interesting" of 2009