artbeco: Kamikaze attack seen from deck of USS Kitkun Bay, WW II
artbeco: Playing the big antique
artbeco: The Safe
artbeco: mission adobe
artbeco: film bits
artbeco: photo at the Silent Film Museum
artbeco: old seats
artbeco: photo found at the silent film museum
artbeco: California Indian ink studies
artbeco: human skull casts
artbeco: Bigger trilobite
artbeco: trilobite
artbeco: smilin' crocodile
artbeco: hominids and moths
artbeco: carnivores
artbeco: Blacksmith
artbeco: Lincoln Sketch
artbeco: engine
artbeco: parked
artbeco: stagecoach
artbeco: Chandler's Cauldron
artbeco: Father Serra overlooking the garden
artbeco: Hallway in the priests' quarters
artbeco: Door to the Mission church
artbeco: Hostler's door
artbeco: California
artbeco: Detail of I-Beam from Ground Zero
artbeco: holes left from underground atomic bomb tests
artbeco: ...and the fishermen are hospitalized...
artbeco: Inside a bomb shelter