Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
Dalbyover...looking for fossils...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
A place for digging for limestone...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
something hidden...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
Sea lily...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
Orla and Birka at Dalbyover...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
wall of bryozo...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
Sea urchin fossils from Dalbyover limestone quarry....
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
Birka is not wearing boots...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
camouflage boots...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
Here you can see it is rather muddy....
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
Birka looking ( don´t know for what...)
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
Right in the middle of this picture...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen:
stem of a crinoid....Dalbyover...