Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Probably egg from a blackbird...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Another birds nest...with eggs....just next to the other one...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: birds nest....
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Not aware of what kind of bird....
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: A birds nest in my black currants...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: pheasant eating yellow flowers...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: friendly bird on a visit in my garden...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Grey Partridge...perdix perdix...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Grey Partridge....(perdix perdix)...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: seen from my big window in the new field...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: close up of the leftovers from the dead bird...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: seen on a walk near the house...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: where the peacock live.....
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: youngster peacock ....
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Male peacock....
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: This was my dream as a child...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Starlings at Hornbæk meadow...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Starlings in a flock on the ground...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Me and Sigge, the jackdaw...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Me and Sigge...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Sigge...a very young jackdaw...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Asio otus...a grown up Owl....
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: This is an Owl...Asio otus....
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Remiz pendulinus
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Remiz pendulinus
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: wing and feet...
Anita Thomhave Simonsen: Yet another nest in my garden....