J☺hn: IPhone photo - Day Zero
J☺hn: IPhone photo - Day One - I'm famous!
J☺hn: Dog clothes
J☺hn: 20091205-DSC00726
J☺hn: walk on by
J☺hn: tiles
J☺hn: phone home
J☺hn: waiting for a ride
J☺hn: Railway guard
J☺hn: IPhone photo - Day Two
J☺hn: Tea room
J☺hn: Hondo room drum and bell.
J☺hn: Temple's entry
J☺hn: Monk's wife in the tea room
J☺hn: Ojichan's grave
J☺hn: Hondo
J☺hn: 20091206-DSC00847
J☺hn: Cleared for takeoff
J☺hn: Okasan
J☺hn: Help me Obi-wan
J☺hn: IPhone photo - Day Three - Shovel it in
J☺hn: Fail of the day
J☺hn: People of Tokyo
J☺hn: jeans in jeans.. whaaaa
J☺hn: Tokyo transit
J☺hn: People of Tokyo
J☺hn: Imperial KICK!
J☺hn: Nijubashi bridge
J☺hn: Imperial guard