J☺hn: Snack time!
J☺hn: engrish
J☺hn: engrish
J☺hn: oxygen bar
J☺hn: Mexican wrestler dog costume
J☺hn: more dog clothes
J☺hn: monkey dog outfit
J☺hn: Okasan`s Car
J☺hn: Tale of EarthSea
J☺hn: Okasan and Kae
J☺hn: lunch!
J☺hn: ANOTHER dog clothes shop
J☺hn: afternoon tea!
J☺hn: Crazy Taxi geek shrine
J☺hn: House of the dead 4
J☺hn: massage booths
J☺hn: Maid Cafe paraphernalia
J☺hn: Instant coffee, japan style
J☺hn: Sibling trainage
J☺hn: Sushi USB
J☺hn: handheld portable PC`s
J☺hn: Mega Teriyaki
J☺hn: Club Sega
J☺hn: Lunch with Yuka
J☺hn: orderly akihabara
J☺hn: light at the end of the tunnel
J☺hn: kae getting on the train!
J☺hn: and MORE sushi!
J☺hn: Sushi train!