Etching Stone:
Designs for Heliogravure
Etching Stone:
Designs for Heliogravure
Etching Stone:
Designs for Heliogravure
Etching Stone:
Etching Stone:
Etching Stone:
Etching Stone:
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Etching Stone:
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A figure is sitting on a cross made of birch that stands in a forest of beech.
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A figure is sitting on a cross made of birch that stands in a forest of beech.
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death by crucifixion
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heart of the son
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Attention, this fork is dovetailed.
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the man with the oval shaped holy object
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Something, larger than the moon flew there: From there to here, flew there.
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Paradise Bird
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Something lay on his mother
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I grabbed the spirit of the time at the goolies
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All day he hung infront of the telly
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there is something upon?!
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this screw can change your life
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ball and chain
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standing figure looking down
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dancing figure looking right
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mostly she liked the pig
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the kiss of the fish
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The arrow caused him no pain, but the hay fever this year was once again unbearable.
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