arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 140
arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 141
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arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 172
arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 182
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arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 217
arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 221
arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 222
arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 226
arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 227
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arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 236
arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 238
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arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 305
arrow734: Upstate New York, fog and yellowjackets 306
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