arrow734: Clint
arrow734: DSC_0088
arrow734: DSC_0136
arrow734: DSC_0141
arrow734: DSC_0160
arrow734: DSC_0197
arrow734: DSC_0185
arrow734: DSC_0186
arrow734: DSC_0259
arrow734: DSC_0281
arrow734: DSC_0283
arrow734: Fall Roads
arrow734: Fall
arrow734: Fall
arrow734: Fall Roads
arrow734: Fall Roads
arrow734: Driving in the Fall
arrow734: Roadside Cliffs
arrow734: WV Truck Stop
arrow734: Fueling up at the Pilot
arrow734: Parking in the Shade
arrow734: Clint
arrow734: Clint
arrow734: Clint
arrow734: Farm
arrow734: Fall Trees
arrow734: Dog on Board!
arrow734: Fall Trees
arrow734: Autumn