...arpi...: going against the grain
...arpi...: reaching for the light
...arpi...: my name is red
...arpi...: a tenacious grip
...arpi...: tic tac toe (explored)
...arpi...: catenary
...arpi...: fenced in
...arpi...: purple haze I
...arpi...: curved (explored!)
...arpi...: catching the light
...arpi...: the edge
...arpi...: curves and more curves
...arpi...: fallen
...arpi...: orange
...arpi...: splash!
...arpi...: on the fence
...arpi...: into oblivion
...arpi...: out of the red
...arpi...: shadow step
...arpi...: on the edge
...arpi...: flickr-fence
...arpi...: behind barbed wires
...arpi...: on the other side
...arpi...: stuck
...arpi...: where's the snow?
...arpi...: leaf noir
...arpi...: morning chill
...arpi...: red and gray
...arpi...: rustle of leaves
...arpi...: an afternoon walk